NFUMC Workforce Housing Project – Support Kit

header image for nfumc workforce housing support kit

The Napa First United Methodist Church (NFUMC) has partnered with Napa Valley Community Housing and Burbank Housing to bring more workforce housing to our community so that our local families can afford to live and work in Napa. Here are some easy ways that you can show your support for this project!

Send an email of support to the City of Napa

Send a letter of support to the City of Napa

Post an image of support


letters header graphic for nfumc workforce housing support kit

Direct communication is a great way to make your voice heard!

We have provided an easy way to send a supportive email with the click of button as well as a letter template that you can mail in to City of Napa Planning Department staff.

email graphic for nfumc workforce housing support kit
(PLEASE NOTE: Clicking the above icon will automatically open and create a template email in your default email application)

letter writing graphic for nfumc workforce housing support kit
(PLEASE NOTE: Clicking the above icon will automatically open and/or download a template support letter word document)

social media assets header for nfumc workforce housing support kit

Social media is another great way to show your enthusiasm for this important housing project!

Below are image assets that you can use to show your support in an easy way.

Just right-click and select “Save As..”

1. Facebook Cover Photo (820 x 312) – [click here to learn how to change your FB cover]

facebook cover photo asset for nfumc support kit


2. Instagram Post (Portrait Photo) – Save and share on your IG account!


nfumc support kit instagram post image

3. Images for email signature – [GMail “How to”] [Microsoft Outlook “How to”] [Mac Mail “How to”]

nfumc support kit email signature image with qr code

nfumc support kit email signature image with url address